
Industrial zones mapping database

In order to assist potential investors in the search for the best business locations in Apulia, in 2017 Puglia Sviluppo set-up a database of information on regional business locations, based on the study and mapping of the major industrial zones throughout the region. This is the first study conducted at regional level using specialized techniques, surveys and fieldwork, aimed at identifying and mapping the conditions of all the major industrial zones, where it is possible to build new manufacturing plants or find existing ones for sale.

The regional business locations mapping database is a fundamental tool for the promotion of new business development and investment opportunities within the region.

Azionista unico Regione Puglia – Società soggetta alla direzione e al coordinamento di Regione Puglia: C.F. 80017210727


Sede legale, amministrativa e operativa
via delle Dalie - zona industriale

70026 - Modugno (Ba)
Tel. +39 080 5498811
Incubatore d’impresa

viale cav. Antonio Filograna - zona industriale
73042 - Casarano (Le)
Tel. +39 0833 515111


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